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Sick & Injured Dogs Information & Treatment

The Sick, Lame & Lazy


Dealing with seriously ill dogs or those who are undergoing a lengthy convalescence is no mean task. It is virtually impossible NOT to feel anxious, sympathetic or distraught at the site of our beloved canine wrapped in bandages, nursing a broken limb or fighting a fever after a viral disease.


The trick is to try and focus all your energy into the speedy rehabilitation of your dog. By keeping focussed and determined, you and your dog will be back to normal in no time at all, providing that is, you follow your vets’ advice.Feeling sorry for your dog won’t help him at all, in fact it could make him feel even lower than he does at present. You would be better advised to continue your daily routine, where possible, as if nothing really has happened at all.


This way your dog will pleased to see consistent leadership from the Alpha member and this in course will motivate him to get well as soon as possible. Remember that your dog will replicate your feelings and energy at any given time so it is important to remain strong and positive.


Some dogs are very good at remembering the easy time they had last winter when they sprained their leg jumping the fence and the lavish treats and attention that subsequently ensued from a weak willed and over sympathetic human during that period. So much so, that they will develop psychosomatic tendencies and feign that injury again and again, if it means extra food or attention. If you think your dog is in pain or is suffering then there are only two people on this planet that can confirm this to be the case; You the owner  by knowing your dog inside and out and the other and arguably perhaps more reliably – your vet. If you are in any doubt whatsoever about the health of your dog then arrange an appointment with your vet at the earliest opportunity.


There are of course those awful occasions when your vet will tell you that there is little or nothing else that can be done and the kindest thing to do for your animal is to let him go peacefully. Anyone who has gone through this process will know all about the feelings of guilt, regret and remorsefulness that seem to hound you day and night as you fight with your conscience.


This is completely normal so don’t be afraid of showing or even better sharing your feelings with someone likeminded as you. After all, you are entitled to grieve for the loss of a family member but rest assured that this is all part of the grieving process and the sooner you get on with it the sooner you will be able, not to forget, but at least to start moving on. Don’t set yourself the impossible task of setting a grieving period – this simply does not work. Instead see it for what it is, go with your feelings and celebrate the time you had together instead of moping around the place feeling terrible.


Look at it this way, as soon as you are through the grieving period naturally, then the sooner you will be in the position to start searching for your new edition but only when the time is right and only you will know when that is.


For help and advice on all aspects of this topic why not give us a call for a chat or even arrange a home visit.


Until then, Good Luck!

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